Sunday, October 19, 2008

Breast Enhancements and Botox .... You Game?

Botox and Boobs.... You would think that someone would come up with a way to give a shot which causes one to have a breast lift! Now that would be great right? I have written so many articles on this subject as it's very popular now. Instead of sharing the weekend with your friends at a spa or in Mexico, you share the pain just to get beautified before the big day. I'm not against the idea. I think to each their own. So tell me, is it wrong to enhance before romance is the question??? What are your thoughts? Would you change something surgically before the big day? Ok. For those who say the money should go elsewhere.... Or just be happy with what you have... Let me pose this question, if someone offered you a FREE boob job or Botox treatment would you do it then? See the video below...You may have watched this on the news. I am not even sure when it aired to be honest! I've just received the copy!


Nancy Jean said...

To each her own...but botox for their beautiful faces?!? I kind of think that was just silly.

I can't imagine a friend asking another friend to go under the knife...or even just the needle...for a wedding. But I guess if everyone is ok with it, why not. (I would rather they just stick with hair and make-up, though.)

Candice Vallone said...

I'm not an advocate for putting any foreign objects in my body.... However, I would consider taking away items: such as a large bumb on a nose, or a breast lift, a tummy tuck after several pregnancies...... Fortunately for me, I am not in need of any of that at the moment.

But I won't lie I have considered Botox in the past - but decided against it, because I do have the wrinkles that's for sure! ha ha

Unknown said...

Nancy...I do agree. If they are all for it why not? I remember how make-up used to be enough.

However, in my career there are certain situations where this could help someone's self esteem. I have worked with numerous brides. I have never had any one get a boob job, but some have filled in a few smile lines and puffed out a few lips!

If there is ONE thing that could make a woman feel better about herself and this is it, I say go for it.

I still go to Sephora in hopes that one day they will have another "super" product that is the cure all for wrinkles, saggs and bags!

I am a sucker for anything in a pretty box what can I say?

Unknown said...

Metro...I too have thought Hmm....I have a few friends that have tried it. It does look good if you have the right doctor. But there have been some that don't look too great...I remember I had a bride's mom get this done the week of the wedding. Her whole face was swollen. I was like OUCH! She did look amazing..But after she told me just how many needles they used. I was done with the fantasy of looking 10 years younger!

I will stay with my frequent flyer card at Sephora.

Sadly, I cannot say they know me just because of the Style Network! I should be their poster child...Ha! I own half their merchandise.

Candice Vallone said...

Samanta - I own stock in the Sephora company too - well atleast I should by now.... My bathroom vanity could be used as a second store! ha ha -

The funny thing is, that I bust my husband getting into my lotions and potions every now and then!
One time he told me that my $50 tiny bottle of face cream was the best foot cream he's ever had!!!!

Well anyhow - ask us all in 10 years if we would do this and the answers might change ah?

Good chatting with you....
Candice at Metro Luxe

Unknown said...


LOL I was just thinking about your comments about the hubby..I catch mine all of the time looking at creams and potions to clear the acne you can only see under a microscope! I bought a 5D mirror BIG mistake for me..More so for him...The things he points out are not even noticed by 20/20 vision.

I think I may have brought the woman out of my man Ha!

I devote my time to ensuring our clients recieve fab service. There's another "calling" for me. To give back to my peers that aspire to be the next "best" fancy pants somebody! Those who play it safe standing behind me, will fail. I do serve as a warning to others and yes, I'm nutty. It's who I am & it's not going to change, as it works. Feel free to comment & join me on what could be the best road trip EVER!

Not That Sassi Planner Again???

Bling and Pearls Can Be The Icing on The Cake!

Bling and Pearls Can Be The Icing on The Cake!
Too Good Too Eat.

Just admit it, I say off the wall things...And it works!